
If you're like most of the women I speak to, you're feeling your life is:


And you're yearning for a life with more:


I'm here to tell you: you're NOT ALONE.

You're fantasizing about a life where you'd no longer you doubt yourself. No longer would you feel small and insignificant. No longer would you stand for other people's poor behavior towards you. And no longer would you stand it from yourself.

As a woman with complete possession of her CONFIDENCE, you'd own who you are down to the most minute detail. You'd feel fabulous about asking for what you want. You'd be eager to ask for a raise, a date or the chance to attend an event.

As a woman who feels 100% COMFORTABLE in her skin, you'd relish in your uniqueness, never questioning your thighs, stomach, ass or underarms again. You'd find all the quirks about you and see that they're your greatest assests. You'd wear the 'special' outfit 'just because' you felt like it - no particular occasion.

The problem is – you're buying into the dark thought that you're not worth it.

And that FUELS the pain, emptiness, loneliness and separation that keeps you feeling SMALL. PLUS, it sends out an ENERGY FIELD from your body signaling the sense of insignificance. The catch 22 is - because you're putting out these 'vibes', you're getting back exactly what you don't want – lack of respect, confusion, distress, judgement, complacency and repetition of the same 'ol loop over and over.

No One's Showed You How to Live the Life of a Woman Who's ECSTATIC about Life!

"Ecstasy is our very nature. To be ecstatic is natural, spontaneous. It needs no effort to be ecstatic, it needs great effort to be miserable. That's why you look so tired, because misery is real hard work; to maintain it is really difficult, because you are doing something against the nature. You are going upstream – that's what misery is." - Osho

Red Flags That You Need To Take Your Mojo and Sensual Empowerment Seriously:

  • You've lost excitement for life and you feel 'dead' inside.
  • You know you've given away a piece of yourself (to a previous relationship, a job, a family member) and can't figure out how to get it back.
  • You feel confused regularly and have difficultly making DECISIONS about your life.
  • You fear you won't be accepted and therefore hold yourself back.
  • Your 'mind' challenges you and you fall into the trap of 'can'ts,' 'shoulds' and self-judgements.
  • When you spend time around other women, you feel competitive or less than.
  • You disconnected from feeling pleasure in your body.
  • You have a long list of things you're dissatisfied with about your body
  • And your relationships are lackluster, unfulfilling and they STRESS you out instead of FUEL you.

As a SENSUALLY EMPOWERED WOMAN, your MOJO (aka confidence) is SERIOUS business. In fact, it's YOUR GREATEST ASSET.


It's YOUR TURN to have a life that's turned ON – where you feel amazing in your skin and know who you truly are.

Ladies, pay attention here, OK? This is SUPER important:

I was just like you. I was confused and in pain. I had lived most of my life thinking, “I'm a confident woman. I know how to show up in the world looking good, like I've got it all together. I'm in touch with my mojo.” When really, I felt small and unworthy inside. I didn't know what being MOJOLICIOSLY EMPOWERED looked like, let alone felt like. I had a patchwork quilt of ideas that I got from growing up that was completely out of alignment with what I knew to be true in my heart. But no one had yet to teach me about this part of life.

I was dating men who only wanted one thing (and it wasn't my smarts). I wasn't getting the respect I knew I deserved at work. I felt paralyzed when faced with any decision. I constantly felt like there was something wrong with me. I was hiding from business opportunities and professional growth. I ached to feel good in my skin. I craved having a connection with the TRUTH about who I was. I couldn't bear feeling small when in my soul I knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that I was HUGE!

Only, I didn't understand how to get there on my own. I knew I had to dive deep. I knew I had something important to share and my life was worth more than what I allowed myself to do, see and feel. That's when I sought help. That's when I found my mentors. That's when I learned the skill set, mindset and lifestyle to offer FREEDOM throughout my life (mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally and sexually).

It was only when I TRANSFORMED the pain of being a partial woman that I could stop TRANSMITTING that discordant energy to the world. It was only then I truly stepped into my MOJO EMPOWERMENT that my life blossomed in ways I had only dreamed of.

This is NOT a course like you've ever experienced. It's not a typical self empowerment class. You are going to be taught skills and techniques unlike any that you've been taught ANYWHERE before. This is a course custom created and designed by the work I've PERSONALLY done and I use with my private clients.

I'll walk you through strategies, skills and techniques for reclaiming your MOJO and owning your power AS A WOMAN. Here's what you'll learn in the ROCK YOUR MOJO: Jumpstart Edition, Reclaim Your Confidence and Feel Good in Your Own Skin, The Mojoliciously Empowered Woman 4 Week Home Study Course:

Class #1: Life Above the Neck

mindsetHow you THINK about yourself speaks volumes to the world. This first week addresses all the things you MUST know in order to lay the foundation for lasting success.

Learning how to be more confident and comfortable in your skin means NOTHING without creating a solid base from which to transform and grow rapidly. That's why we're starting right away with identifying the potential blocks, pulling up the weeds and seeding the ground for YOUR truth to blossom.

This class will give you the KEYS to understanding what it means to be a Mojoliciosly Empowered Woman. You'll learn about these things and walk through these steps with me:

  • The ONE TRUE SECRET that'll set you free from worry, burdens and fear of stepping into your most brilliant self
  • What being a Sensually Empowered Woman means for you AND your friends, family and spouses/lovers
  • What you MUST avoid if you're serious about being confident (hint: they're usually right in front of you)
  • How to IMMEDIATELY identify the qualities of a Sensually Empowered Woman and integrate them into your daily life
  • Understanding "The Kinky Life" (it's not what you think) and how it will chip away at your self-worth DAILY if you don't do something about it NOW
  • How I consistently EXPAND my sense of confidence (even on the days that feel terrible...and we all have those).
  • The FREE tool I use when I need a 'brain' reboot
  • And MORE!

Exclusive access to "The 5 Keys to Your Storehouse of Personal Magnetism" video series.

Class #2: Life Below the Neck

class2picSay it now and repeat after me, "My BODY is deeeee-licous and I love it!" Regardless if that's a further stretch than aliens landing in your oatmeal this morning, you WILL learn to look at your body in a new way this week. It's crucial to your success in life and it's A MUST for you to feel good in your skin. Here's what I'm going to share:

  • Your #1 ENERGY SOURCE! It's in your body right now and I'll show you how to access it whenever you need to
  • The top THREE ways to flip the switch and ACTIVATE your power center
  • Which things you MUST observe on a weekly basis to keep your power center FILLED UP
  • The ONE MUSCLE you HAVE to FLEX in order to really radiate your inner and outer beauty (most women fail miserably at this because they've never been taught how to do it)
  • The fundamentals of MASCULINE and FEMININE energy and why you MUST know the difference
  • How to identify when to TAP INTO your masculine or feminine energy to ensure exciting and passionate relationships in YOUR life
  • SPECIFIC techniques and rituals to shift from masculine to feminine - especially the transition from 'work' mode to 'personal/wife/lover' mode
  • The EXERCISES I use everyday that you NEED to open up to more joy, love and excitement on a daily basis (and it doesn't require any special equipment!)

Resource List: "Top Ten Tips for Living Your Sassiest Self"

My THREE favorite playlists to activate Life Below the Neck


Class #3: Role Play

class3picEver heard the phrase, "Women are 31 flavors and then some!"? Well, it's actually truer than not. We have PLAY ROLES that express flavors. Women are every flavor, every color and every kind of nuance there is. Here's the problem – we get stuck expressing ONE, maybe TWO of those characters while the rest of them are suppressed and ignored. Not only does this cause HEALTH ISSUES (physically, mentally, emotionally and sexually), it chips away at our sense of self-esteem and value in the world. PLUS, it causes an imbalance in our life's trajectory.

Our culture perpetrates a dualistic expression of women "good girl vs. bad girl" and therefore PROPELS women into one of those characters. The ISSUE with this is – we are multifaceted creatures and MUST learn productive ways to express our nuances. This week I'll uncover the techniques for you to discover the personal treasure chest of power hiding in your 'closet.' Some of what we'll cover is:

  • What roles you play (and those you WANT to play)
  • The signature look and style of each of your roles
  • Identifying the STRENGTHS and areas that each of your roles EXCELS at and how to INCORPORATE this into your daily life
  • How FEMININE EXPRESSION isn't what you think it is and WHY you've got to know these well kept SECRETS to change your world
  • The ONE technique that'll surprise you because you'll learn more about yourself in 15 minutes than ever before
  • THREE roles we ALL play and how they support each other
  • The SURPRISING role who seems like a bully but is actually an asset
  • Making PLAYDATES (they're not the kind for your kids)

(preview for week 4) "Decoding Your Environment for Ultimate Success" Report

Class #4: The Container – Your Personal Environment

class4picDid you know that what we surround ourselves with is a DIRECT reflection of how we feel about ourselves? AND it's an indicator of where we are in our life, how confident we feel and if we value ourselves.

As women, it's CRUCIAL to be surrounded by beauty. It's also a sign of auspiciousness. Your environment 'talks' to you on a daily basis and women are more sensitive to their environments whether they're conscious of it or not. Therefore, it's MANDATORY you program your environment to tell you the truth about who you are instead of allowing it to repeat negative habits or patterns.

Naturally, your environment fuels or drains you. In order to be truly CONFIDENT and uber COMFORTABLE in your skin, you MUST create a space that radiates good mojo. This week, I'll let you behind the curtain to share techniques that'll quantum leap your growth. You'll learn:

  • The THREE KEYS SPOTS in everyone's home that'll make or break your life
  • The fastest ways to strengthen your confidence without leaving the house (and it's got nothing to do with affirmations, breathing, eating right or exercise!)
  • How to turn your bedroom into a MOJO OASIS in a nanosecond
  • Why your workspace could be making you feel bad about yourself and the ONE thing that'll turn it all around
  • The truth about CLUTTER and how it's making you feel like sh#*%!
  • My SECRET WEAPON that transforms your mojo instantly and all you need are 3 household items (this one alone is worth the price of the workshop)
  • What every woman MUST HAVE in her 'toolkit'
  • The EASIEST thing you can do everyday that'll make a profound difference to your personal outlook
  • And MORE!

My personal list of RESOURCES with contact and links to the EXACT tools I use on a regular basis. PLUS – a special discount code for one of them!

A report that outlines MY SECRET WEAPON in detail for you. Now you'll have access to it at your fingertips making it a no-brainer.

warning_iconWARNING: Some of my recommendations may be CONTRARY to everything you've ever learned about being a Mojoliciosly Empowered Woman. You will be shocked to see how this information will completely turn your life around IF you use it. You'll see WHY these techniques are my personal empowerment secrets and how they're VITAL to my success as a woman.

You don't have to disengage from your true nature to thrive with your personal MOJO, and I'm going to share how in this course. I guarantee this series will be EXTREMELY enlightening, and you'll gain many "a-ha"s during our time together.

When you register for this Home Study Course with me, you'll receive:

  • 4 Live call recordings with me, Deborah Kagan, guiding you through the complete ROCK YOUR MOJO course curriculum.
  • HANDOUTS and WORKSHEETS for every call to help you organize your notes, retain the information and provide easy to follow steps for each call.
  • MP3 RECORDINGS of all calls so you can listen to them over and over at home, in your car, on your computer, iPod or other MP3 player.
  • DIGITAL COVER ARTWORK so you can create your own ROCK YOUR MOJO course binder to keep your course information neatly organized (and beautiful!).

You can see I'm committed to your growth and success as a Mojoliciosly Empowered Woman. I'm doing everything I can to set you up for immediate results. INCLUDING keeping the investment for the course super LOW to make it EASY for you to participate.


I say YES! Deborah...I'm ready to ROCK MY MOJO!

Many of you have been asking how you can EXPAND your life, drop the shame and be your most magnetic self. I'm THRILLED to offer you this opportunity to step into your most Mojoliciosly Empowered Self and dig into these topics. Let me take you through these 4 transformative weeks and show you how you can be the woman you ache to share with the world.

This course is packed with information that'll teach you how to LOVE who you are, how you live your life and what you surround yourself with. These 4 weeks are game changers. I ASSURE you that it's well worth your time.

Yes, Deborah! I'm ready to Rock My Mojo so I can Reclaim my Self Confidence and finally, for once and for all, Feel Comfortable in My Own Skin NOW.

I understand with my low investment, I'll receive the following:

  • 4 Live call recordings with me, Deborah Kagan, guiding you through the complete ROCK YOUR MOJO course curriculum.
  • HANDOUTS and WORKSHEETS for every call to help you organize your notes, retain the information and provide easy to follow steps for each call.
  • MP3 RECORDINGS of all calls so you can listen to them over and over at home, in your car, on your computer, iPod or other MP3 player.
  • DIGITAL COVER ARTWORK so you can create your own ROCK YOUR MOJO binder to keep your course information neatly organized (and beautiful!).

I understand that I am receiving a home study version of this course and I will have access to the MP3 downloads. I understand that due to the immediate access to all materials and digital nature of this course, there are no refunds or exchanges.

I'm assured that my transaction is 100% secure and after my information is processed, I'll receive an electronic receipt and instructions within a few moments.



Rock Your Mojo Home Study Course Digital Download




Rock Your Mojo Home Study Course (Digital version) + 2 1:1 Coaching Sessions

Getting 1:1 support from Deborah is where you can go deeper with owning your power, confidence and pleasure in your life by receiving advanced techniques and personalized feedback from the Mojo Recovery Specialist herself. During your sessions you'll have the opportunity to ask Deborah anything! This is where you can ask for support in any aspect of life, love, pleasure and confidence that, until now, you've been hesitant to explore. AND these sessions give you the accountability to complete the work in the program giving you the most out of your investment.

Pay in Full - $847


3 Pay Plan
3 payments of $335


I know you're ready to step into your confidence, enjoy more mojo and feel amazing in your skin.

I know you're ready to feel your life expanding.

I know you're ready to embrace your sensuality as your own.

I look forward to meeting you on the calls and helping you step into this new phase of your life. One steeped in feminine power and wisdom. One that's juicy, exciting and magnetic.

Don't let yourself pass up this easy, affordable course that can transform your life with ease, grace and depth.

I'll see you soon.

Mojoliciosly yours,

