Jody Vaclav
A native of Colorado, Jody moved to California after acquiring a degree in Neuro-Psychology. Working for UCLA’s Neuro-Psychiatric Research Institute, she worked on various research grants studying everything from Schizophrenia to Alzheimer’s along with working with developmentally disabled patients at Camarillo State Hospital. Other than her varied working background, everything from Power Engineer, to Log home Contractor, to Assistant Art Director and Set Designer for Wheel of Fortune, she has also been an accomplished actor on stage and screen. After her years of experience on the “Melodrama Circuit” in Colorado and playing leads in such stage shows as; Sweeney Todd, The Boyfriend, Oliver, The Unsinkable Molly Brown and One Person Singular, she was a natural to join the Moorpark Melodrama theatre company after she relocated to California. After 2 successful seasons, Jody then joined “Pacific Standard”, a free form improve troupe that performed both in the Hollywood area and at various locations in Orange County. She has then gone on to co-star on an episode of CSI as well as co-starring in Jamie Kennedy’s movie “Heckler”. She also penned and performed a one woman show entitled “Inside Out a one person show in two persons”. “Inside Out …” is an autobiographical journey into Jody’s full life giving the audience an opportunity to see first-hand her journey along not only the path less traveled but also one that very few tread! She is open, for the world to see and hopefully understand her lifelong transition from Joe to Jody. She continues to perform in the ongoing biographical show “It’s Just My Life” along with 10 other women relating true stories from their lives. She is on the panel for “The Indomitable Spirit Symposium” that is held periodically throughout the Los Angeles area and she has always, and will continue to, live each moment to its fullest, looking forward to each day as a bright and new adventure.