Today I’m here to talk about being your big, bold, mojolicious self by, in the words of the one and only Gandhi:

“Be the change you want to see in the world.”

What happens in your body when you think about it?

Do you feel excited? Nervous? Expansive? Freaked?

If you’re one of the few change junkies out there, congrats. You’re a rare breed and I want to hear what you love about the cycles of change. Definitely share your tips, thoughts and insights for all of us in the comments below.

However, for the majority of you who would rather have the same ol’ same ol’ than make a move to shift it – let’s get into it.

Here’s the truth: the ONE thing you’re 100% guaranteed in life is that things change. Relationships, careers, families, homes, health, physical bodies, weather, financial status, emotional status and on and on and on.

So – why do we cling so tightly to what we think we know?

Mostly because it’s comfortable.

And comfort means it’s familiar. And familiarity means a level of safety.

The only thing about that level of safety is, it keeps you wrapped in a bubble of stagnation.

This is where some creative visualization comes in – image of yourself on a hamster wheel working your heart out, walking, jogging, running even and all you’re getting is one big circle of sameness—you may possibly see variations on the people passing through your wheel. But you keep seeing the same darn stuff.

You’re doing the life huffin’, you’re puffin’ and you feel like you’re in motion, but in reality all you’re doing is spinning yourself around and around.

Gandhi’s statement has reverberated through the world decades over. Yet, to truly live his words we’ve got to get a bit uncomfortable.

Change and even more—being the change will certainly push buttons. It might feel downright scary, yet when you take one little step towards it you’re rewarded. Each and every time.

I recently moved and became a homeowner for the first time.

Now, that’s a big deal for me (and if you’ve ever moved or bought a home you get the gist). Moving by itself brings up all sorts of crap. On a simplistic level, there’s a lot of change coming with the move because it’s a new neighborhood. That means changing dry cleaners, cafes, markets, gas stations, yoga studios, etc. And personally, I like certain routines. They’re easy and comfortable.

YET – I know that when you change things up, you gain new perspective and new opportunities.

You don’t need to move homes to get your change on right now—however, I invite you to think about ONE change you’ve been wanting to make. The one that’s been nagging at you for a while and you keep shoving it in the closet. Giving it the old ‘someday’ song.

Pull THAT ONE out and square off with it. Go toe to toe, chin to chin. Say, ‘hey thing I’m ready to change, let’s do this baby!

Let’s walk down this life path and really show ‘em our mojo.

What you’ll find is, the hairy, scary part of the change melts into you and then the big bold potent power of where you’re going becomes you. THAT’s how you be the change you want to see.

So m’dear, what’s the change you want to be in the world?

Leave a comment below and make sure to share this video with all the women you love.

And hey – if you’re ready to have a massive breakthrough and become the change, let’s talk. My gift to you because I am fiercely committed to seeing you rock your mojo and knock your life alive!

To book your complimentary mojo discovery session with me, go to

When you connect to your mojo and the tools to cultivate it, you are, as I like to say, totally mojolicious.

I’m on a mission to see every woman rock her mojo.

Until next time ladies, get out there and knock ‘em alive!

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