It’s Time to Love and Care for Yourself

It’s Time to Love and Care for Yourself

In this crazy world that we live in, we have a tendency to not pay attention to our own thoughts, our own feelings about ourselves and how they affect our well-being and even how they affect those around us.  And as a result, we can lose our mojo, our joy for the life we are living, which spills out into the world around us and colors what we do and how we interact with others.  Here are 4 things that you can do to take care of yourself and have that overflow into the world around you:

  1. Love and Honor Yourself First. We honor those around us on their birthdays, anniversaries or other special days, but how often do you honor yourself?  In fact, if you don’t have a great relationship with yourself, it’s harder to honor and love those around you.  When you are stressed or tense, those feelings come through in your interactions with those around you.  If, on the other hand you can be kind to yourself by using positive, self-affirming words, you’ll notice that that tension and stress will dissipate and you’ll have more joy, more peace, more enthusiasm, and then spaciousness occurs.  And when there’s that spaciousness, that’s when you have room for what I affectionately call overflow – where your mojo can flow without obstruction and you can share that overflow with others around you.
  2. Have Fun. This may seem counter-intuitive, especially if you are stressed out because of deadlines or some sort of crisis in your life.  So go for a walk, have some ice cream, go to a yoga class – do something that takes your mind off your stress and that fills you with pleasure.  What you’ll discover is that by having fun, by experiencing the pleasure in your life, that joy and enthusiasm will overflow to those around you – and you will be able to see your problems in a different light and you’ll actually be more effective.
  3. Have a Dance Party. Take your fun to the next level and have your own dance party!  Whether it’s in your home or in your office, with others or by yourself, a dance party will bring up your mood, infuse your body with joy and pleasure and help you rock your mojo.  It not only brings that fun and pleasure, it also liberates the second pillar of my MOJO system – the Oracle – your body.  When you’re caught up in the stresses and seriousness of life, your body tenses up and, in fact, you may not even be aware of your body – you’re thoughts and the stress they cause have taken over.  But when you’re moving your body – when you’re dancing, you begin to work out those kinks that have hardened you, kept you stuck.  Dancing starts to smooth out those kinks, and that in turn allows your mojo to flow naturally and effortlessly.
  4. Get Out Of Your House. Today we live in a world where we are surrounded by incredible technology – whether it’s your computer, your phone, or any other digital device.  Because of this, we live isolated lives where we only go out because of necessity.  This means that we have very little interaction with others on a daily basis.  We are made to be in connection with one another, so it’s important for you to get out of the house on a regular basis.  Go to a movie.  Go out to dinner with friends.  Go to a concert.  Go to a café – go somewhere other people congregate.  By getting out there, you make yourself available to signs and signals from the world around you – whether it’s something that you hear on the radio or something that you hear in conversation.  For women, we learn by osmosis – by listening and being with others.  And when we hear the stories of others, we hear our own story and find the way to move forward.

If you are having a hard time today, are hard on yourself and are wondering if there is anything that can improve your outlook and reignite your mojo, incorporate these into your life.  In fact, I’ve written about these and more in my book “Find Your Me Spot”.  In it, you’ll find exercises and example of how to wake up your body and explore life through your senses.

Take care of yourself.  Love yourself.  And the rest will come to you.


Much love,



Five Keys to Enhance Your Personal Magnetism

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Welcome to #MojoMoments!

Welcome to #MojoMoments!

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#MojoMonday – Live with Flair and Laughter

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Your Sexual Energy & Why it’s So Crucial to M.O.J.O.

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There is nothing if there isn’t you…like, YOU, reading this now. No you, no community. And I think about you all the time.   There’s something else that causes life. Without it, there’s nothing. And that’s MOJO. Aka: Life force. Aka: Chi. Aka: Sexual Energy.   It’s often misunderstood. Which is why I’m offering you… Continue Reading

Deborah Kagan Deborah Kagan, Sensual Lifestyle Specialist, is a popular guest speaker on the topic of sensuality and how to transform all areas of your life – personal, business, and spiritual – into one of creativity, passion, and wealth. Through working with Deborah either one-on-one, in group programs, at live events or with home study courses through, women tap into their innate power and connect with their mojo, which is the source of true self-esteem. She is the author of Find Your ME Spot: 52 Ways to Reclaim Your Confidence, Feel Good in Your Own Skin and Live a Turned On Life.
