Let the Man Be the Man

Let the Man Be the Man

I spent time with a close male friend the other night and mid-conversation, in utter passionate exclaim he blurted out, “Let the man be the man!”

This wasn’t completely out of the blue. Nor was he having an emotional meltdown. We were discussing dating and relationships in our unique modern day 21st Century. We were sharing our own experiences and those of friends, family, clients and colleagues that we’ve been privy to.

My response, “EXACTLY!!!”

Now, this begs a HUGE conversation (and I am very interested in your thoughts on this subject), however I’ll simply start us off for the moment.


How many times have you, as a woman, refused to let the man open a door for you in the last month? Think about this for a second. How about letting him decide, or at least suggest, where you’ll go for dinner/vacation/movie/etc? How about the last time you fully received the compliment he doled out?

If you can say, “Yes! I let the man open the door for me all the time. I make room to follow his lead. And I sure as heck genuinely say ‘thank you’ when he pays me a compliment” then you are doing great! This doesn’t mean that those of you who are staring at the screen now with smoke billowing out your ears are doomed. Au contraire mes femmes. You’re in the right place.

Women are more competent, more savvy, more independent, more aware, more everything than they’ve ever been in the history of time right now. This is a wonderful thing. The glitch in this femme-tastic time though is that all of the brilliant opportunities available to women these days have created an epidemic—the masculinization of women.

Women run around doing, strategizing, thinking, goal setting and basically living life above their neck. Over time, this kills the natural feminine essence. It puts it in storage. Packs it away and hides the key.

Your survival as a woman is dependent on your ability to unleash your feminine essence.

This requires feeling what’s happening below your neck and relishing in the pleasure of your body. And one of the simplest ways to start that process is by letting men do the ‘men’ things when you are out with them. This takes surrender.

This takes biting your tongue during the moments he fumbles and you clearly see how it can be done better/differently/your way.

This takes trust.

Trust in men and trust in your ability to be met – as a woman.

Surprisingly, when you relax in relation to the men in your life your actual energetic shape softens. The psychic armor drops and more of YOU comes through. You look and feel more radiant. You get that ‘glow.’ You sparkle. And come on ladies, who doesn’t like something a little shiny? Let your sparkle out.



Check Control at the Door

One of the main reasons women stay in the masculine drivers seat of life is the desire to feel in control. Getting things done and being in charge creates a false sense of safety that appears in the guise of being in control of life (or at least the situation you’re in at the moment). In order to let your fab femme self flow, a relaxation needs to occur. At first this can be really scary. What you want to discover is what’s underneath it all. What are you actually afraid will happen? I know when I feel things are out of control it triggers my childhood wounds of living in a house of domestic violence and that triggers me feeling unsafe, which ultimately shuts my entire body down and causes me to clam up and be bristly with my words. What fear is control masking for you?

Soften Your Front Body

Our bodies are incredibly intelligent. The design is quite remarkable as well. Most of the tough stuff is on the backside of our body. The spine is called our backbone for a reason. It holds us up. It’s a frame. A support system. Most of the soft stuff is on the front side of our body. Our breasts are there. Our bellies are there. The front of our bodies is the receptive side. When we embrace, we do so front to front. In order to drop the masculine shell, you must learn to soften the front side of your body. This flexes your receiving muscles and enhances your feminine glow.

Feminine Does NOT Equal Dumb-Down

There’s an idea that letting the man be the man means you have to dumb yourself down as a woman. And that’s simply not true. It’s not about you playing small or being some weird, shrunken version of yourself. Letting the man be the man means that YOU give yourself permission to express your femme-tastic self. That means dipping into your gifts and talents in the area of feminine expression. At first that could be uncomfortable; almost like riding a bike after 20+ years of being off one. You know how to do it, but it’s a bit wobbly and nerve wracking getting back on. Give yourself permission to explore this innate side and see what emerges. I promise, you’re going to like it.

Big Love,





Let's connect in person! Come hang out with me and a group of awesome women LIVE in Los Angeles at the ROCK YOUR MOJO WOMEN’S WEEKEND. Find all the details and tickets HERE.

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Deborah Kagan Deborah Kagan, Sensual Lifestyle Specialist, is a popular guest speaker on the topic of sensuality and how to transform all areas of your life – personal, business, and spiritual – into one of creativity, passion, and wealth. Through working with Deborah either one-on-one, in group programs, at live events or with home study courses through www.deborah-kagan.com, women tap into their innate power and connect with their mojo, which is the source of true self-esteem. She is the author of Find Your ME Spot: 52 Ways to Reclaim Your Confidence, Feel Good in Your Own Skin and Live a Turned On Life.
