Are You Flushing Your Life Down the Toilet?

Are You Flushing Your Life Down the Toilet?

The fourth pillar in the M.O.J.O system is OASIS.

This is your home. Your environment.

And it’s the area I’ve spent over 18 years of my professional life steeping in as a Feng Shui consultant.

The fact is that you and your home have a symbiotic relationship.

When you shift things in your home, your life will shift.

Your home is a reflection of you and it will support or challenge you.

Every part of your home relates to a specific part of your life, your body and your energy.

So, as much as we love modern day essentials like bathrooms, they aren’t always friendly for the Shui.

Bathroom are energy drains. Everything is getting flushed, drained and generally leaving your life.

That’s why you’ve got to be aware of this one Feng Shui rule:

When it comes to your bathroom, always put your toilet seat down and close the bathroom door when you’re done using it.

This eliminates one level of the draining and allows you to keep more M.O.J.O in your life.

Big love,


Let's connect in person! Come hang out with me and a group of awesome women LIVE in Los Angeles at the ROCK YOUR MOJO WOMEN’S WEEKEND. Find all the details and tickets HERE.

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Deborah Kagan Deborah Kagan, Sensual Lifestyle Specialist, is a popular guest speaker on the topic of sensuality and how to transform all areas of your life – personal, business, and spiritual – into one of creativity, passion, and wealth. Through working with Deborah either one-on-one, in group programs, at live events or with home study courses through, women tap into their innate power and connect with their mojo, which is the source of true self-esteem. She is the author of Find Your ME Spot: 52 Ways to Reclaim Your Confidence, Feel Good in Your Own Skin and Live a Turned On Life.
