Mojo + Your Brilliance

Mojo + Your Brilliance

There’s a lot to say about owning your M.O.J.O and letting your brilliance shine. That’s why I’m so glad Amy Waterman of Your Brilliance asked to have a chat with me. She asked some great questions and even challenged me saying that it sounds like a lot to get your mojo flowing. Well, I had… Continue Reading

#MojoMonday – Be Careful of This

#MojoMonday – Be Careful of This

Life. It’s a wondrous thing. And it goes by in the blink of an eye. All of you who have kids intimately get this. One minute they’re so tiny. Next they’re moving out of the house. The luxury of tomorrow is not a guarantee for anyone. It’s a gift. And that’s why it’s crucial to… Continue Reading

#MojoMonday – Do You Feel Misunderstood?

#MojoMonday – Do You Feel Misunderstood?

Do you often feel like an anomaly? Are you considered the black sheep of the family? Wonder why people question you and your decisions all the time?     Sometimes the people around you won’t understand your journey. They don’t need to, it’s not for them. This simple truth took me years to get. Like… Continue Reading

#MojoMonday – You’re the One

#MojoMonday – You’re the One

#Mojolicious One. It’s time to remember who you are. It’s time to bask in the glory of you. It’s time to awaken and share your gifts.   Yet…. You wander around from room to room for the diamond necklace that’s already around your neck. The poet Rumi understood our refusal to see our own brilliance.… Continue Reading

Dating – The Mojo Way

Dating – The Mojo Way

For all the single ladies, I beg you to take a new approach to dating. Please stop doing what I did for years because I hear too many of you doing it as well. It’s this: falling into the trap of showing up at every first date with THE big question glaring on your face… Continue Reading

Deborah Kagan Deborah Kagan, Sensual Lifestyle Specialist, is a popular guest speaker on the topic of sensuality and how to transform all areas of your life – personal, business, and spiritual – into one of creativity, passion, and wealth. Through working with Deborah either one-on-one, in group programs, at live events or with home study courses through, women tap into their innate power and connect with their mojo, which is the source of true self-esteem. She is the author of Find Your ME Spot: 52 Ways to Reclaim Your Confidence, Feel Good in Your Own Skin and Live a Turned On Life.
