Are you ready to recalibrate and experience a breakthrough in the quality of your life right now?! More Money, Better Relationships and Extraordinary Opportunities Could ALL Be Waiting for YOU... at home! Right now.
I invite you to imagine for a moment, that you 100% understand how your home DIRECTLY affects your bank account, love life and physical well being.
I invite you to imagine for a moment that you know how to INSTANTLY set up your office for maximum career stability, creative flow and attraction to the right people at the right time.
I invite you to imagine for a moment, that you're a woman who adores falling into a peaceful sleep each night in a bedroom she loves AND wakes up every morning full of energy and pizzazz to greet the day.
I invite you to imagine for a moment, that you enjoy performing simple rituals in your home to maintain clarity, increase joy and open up to love consistently.
I invite you to imagine for a moment that you are a woman who feels 100% COMFORTABLE in her skin, your home accurately and beautifully reflects the TRUE YOU. When you walk in the door each day, you feel as though you've stepped into your own personal sanctuary. And week after week, your life grows in all the ways you desire...personally and professionally.
Think that's crazy talk?!
I'm here to tell you it's not.
The only thing that's in the way is - lack of knowledge and right action.
Women are profoundly affected by their surroundings.
And yet, women's homes and offices are filled with images, objects and representations of a life that's INCONGRUENT with what they truly desire. These things actually FUEL your pain, emptiness, loneliness and separation - all the stuff that keeps you feeling SMALL. PLUS, here's the real drag, these items send out an ENERGY FIELD to the world signaling the sense of insignificance you're feeling...which send you all the experiences you don't want.
To top it off, the mere structure of your home (the layout and floorplan) dictate how successful (or not) you'll be.
Here's the catch 22 - because you've got things in your home putting out these 'vibes' AND your floorplan might be working against you, you're getting exactly what you don't want - lack of income, lackluster love, no verve for life, complacency and repetition of the same 'ol loop over and over.
Now, here's the GREAT news - All of it can be shifted in a VERY SHORT AMOUNT OF TIME.
Trouble is - no one's showed you how to decode your home and identify the problem areas and then give you the simple tools to shift it (no renovation necessary!).
"I consistently retweak, update and course correct my life with Feng Shui. And it ALWAYS produces magical, positive results".
- Deborah Kagan
Our environments (homes, offices and yes, cars too) are a DIRECT reflection of our life.
They'll shape the relationships we have and don't have.
They'll shape the size and structure of our bank accounts.
They'll shape the stature of our health and well-being.
However, only when we CONSCIOUSLY and ACTIVELY shape our environment will they support our lives in a manner conducive to our desires.
FENG SHUI's been around for 3000+ years - that's worth taking note of because let's face it, if it didn't work, it wouldn't still be in use. And something with that kind of longevity knows a thing or two (or a thousand) about innovative growth. In fact, Feng Shui has been called the "environment science of the 21st century."
Would you like:
- to create more ease and calm in your life
- to arrange your office in a way that will make you more money
- to have a home that inspires you to create wealth, happiness and health
- to understand how to be in "commanding position" of your life
- to instantly attract new opportunities and people
- to trust your environment is a haven that brings your desires into life
- a professional expert to guide you through the detailed process of making all of the above happen
- information on how to tap into the wellspring of mojo in your life
If you said YES to any ONE of the above, then You Need To Pay Attention here:
As a MOJOLICIOUSLY EMPOWERED WOMAN, your MOJO (aka confidence) is SERIOUS business. In fact, it's YOUR GREATEST ASSET. Your mojo lives in you AND your home.
But, your home could be depleting your mojo. Most people's homes are - unless they've utilized the tools I'm sharing with you.
Ladies, this is SUPER important:
I was just like you. I was confused and in pain. I had lived most of my life thinking, "I'm a confident woman. I know how to show up in the world looking good, like I've got it all together." When really, I felt small and unworthy inside. I didn't know anything about living in a sanctuary, let alone a stable home. I grew up in a home of domestic violence. We moved 7 times by the time I was 14 years old. All I knew was home was a bad place that took away your dreams. But no one had yet to teach me about the best parts of CREATING a home sanctuary that SUPPORTS your life's goals.
In 1995, that all changed. I was introduced to the ancient method of Feng Shui. While it was new and unique to me, I needed something to change in my life. I hired a professional consultant, did everything she recommended and within 6 weeks, my life radically changed. I got a HUGE raise out of the blue (like, I didn't even ask for it), connected with the man I'd wanted to date for months and started a delicious relationship and I finally slept through the night (after struggling with an odd bout of insomnia).
It felt like I'd been whacked on the head with the miracle fairy. And yet, I knew it wasn't hocus pocus. I knew there was a direct correlation to what I did in my home producing the results in my life.
Only, I didn't understand how to get there on my own. I knew I had to dive deep. I decided to study Feng Shui, which led me to opening my first business - Sacred Interiors, professional Feng Shui consulting. To date, I've spent over a decade diligently studying all aspects of Feng Shui and have been professionally consulting for 16+ years.
You see, I finally got it. Our homes are the outer layer of MOJO we exist in. If our home isn't lined up with our INNER mojo, then we've got a problem. There's a lack of congruency. And that means a lack of REAL RESULTS.
It was only when I CONSCIOUSLY TRANSFORMED my home into a personally sanctuary that I could stop TRANSMITTING discordant energy to the world. It was only then I truly stepped into my ALIGNEMENT of INNER and OUTER MOJO that my life blossomed in ways I had only dreamed of (and yes, that includes building a six figure business, finding a juicy exciting relationship with THE RIGHT man and looking and feeling younger all the time).
As usual you are the best ever! How anyone lives without you doing their house, I have no idea. I always feel so energized and so ready to rock n roll after our sessions. I am SO excited to get into the new place. Thank you again Deb - my life would not be what it is without you and the work you do! We have worked together for almost ten years!!!!!
~ Megan Johnson, producer
In ROCK YOUR MOJO: HOME EDITION How to Transform Your Home into a Sanctuary to Increase Health, Wealth and Love, I will teach you the skill set and give you the tools that's guaranteed to TRANSFORM your life.
This is NOT a course like you've ever experienced. And it's not for everyone.
This course is for YOU if you're the woman that's ready to uplevel her game.
You are willing to expand and stretch.
You are open to making simple adjustments in your home or office.
You are serious about achieving your goals in the next 6 months.
You are ready to have the support it takes to create an environment that supports YOU.
You are going to be taught skills and techniques that you won't find in books or reports. This is a course custom created and designed by the work I've PERSONALLY done and I use with my private clients.
I'll walk you through strategies, skills and techniques for reclaiming your MOJO and owning your power AS A WOMAN.
In this program designed especially for woman who is tired of:
- reading all the books and reports on Feng Shui and still confused.
- attempting to do Feng Shui yourself and feeling lost and overwhelmed.
- using some techniques, but wondering "did I do it correctly?"
- hearing herself say "how come I'm not getting the results?"
Here's what you'll experience in the ROCK YOUR MOJO HOME EDITION: How to Transform Your Home into a Sanctuary to Increase Health, Wealth and Love

Your home is a reflection of your life. AND your home can shape your life's success (or lack there of) simply based on the layout. The ancient practice of Feng Shui allows you to take control over your environment and turn it into your greatest support system. From the beginning, Feng Shui has supported empires and generations of large families. Now, in our modern life, everyone from corporations to individuals utilize the tools.
Learning how your environment dictates your life experience is ground zero on this journey. That's why we're starting right away with identifying the potential blocks, exposing the weaknesses and seeding the ground for YOUR success to blossom.
This class will give you the KEYS to understanding what it means to incorporate Feng Shui into your life. You'll learn about these things and walk through these steps with me:
- How your home is already affecting your health, happiness and success whether you're aware of it or not.
- What SYMBOLS in your home mean for you AND your friends, family and spouses/lovers
- The surprising five factors affecting your fortune and how simple it is to adjust them for your benefit
- Understanding EXACTLY what Feng Shui is (and what it's not) in order to transform your home into a sanctuary
- The three MAJOR FORCES at work right now in your home
- Why most people DON'T get results when reading a Feng Shui book and using the techniques offered (and the simple missing piece to GET great results)
- And MORE!

Every single square foot of your home relates to a very specific part of your life. That's why when you incorporate these simple Feng Shui techniques your life starts moving in the direction you want. The first step to transforming your life with the Shui is to decode your home and know EXACTLY what each room represents. Understanding this is A MUST for you to create lasting change. Here's what I'm going to share:
- The Energy Map of Feng Shui and what each section represents and I'll show you how to access them for maximum effect
- How to apply the energy map to your home to decode it immediately. PLUS an advanced technique that makes all the Feng Shui work you do 100 times more powerful (this is worth the entire course!)
- Which rooms are best to have in the FRONT of your home, which are best to have in the BACK of your home and why it's crucial to your health and well-being.
- What to absolutely NOT have in the center of your home in order to thrive professionally and personally.
- The EXACT tools you need to know about, how they work and what to do with them to optimize your experience in your home.
- The #1 KEY that turns your Feng Shui into SUPERCHARGED Shui (most people overlook this completely and never get the full benefits available to them)
- What to do with irregular shape homes...which ones are giving you MORE mojo for life and which ones are taking it away.

We all know that phrase, "Put your money where your mouth is." to generate income. One of them happens to be located in the kitchen where our mouths do a lot of action eating and preparing food. That's just ONE of the areas. There are more. When you're clear about where to go in your home to support your life goals, the mystery and whoa-is-me factors dissolve.
Our culture promotes bigger is better and the more 'toys' a person has the more successful they are. There's a HUGE key missing in this equation - sanctuary breeds prosperity. Without it, even beautiful homes will be cold and devoid of true life force. This week I'll uncover the places and techniques for you to discover the personal treasure chest of wealth hiding in your home. Some of what we'll cover is:
- The EXACT areas in everyone's home that opens the door to bigger levels of success
- Where you need to place a 'wealth generator' so it provides more opportunities for you
- The specific tools to use when you need a quick cash injection
- Why certain plants could be killing your career, even if they're green and healthy
- What colors promote career progress and why you DON'T want to use them just anywhere
- An advanced technique to amp career success without leaving your desk
- How your office needs to be set up in order to RECEIVE big paydays and create quality work
- A HUGE mistake that many people make when setting up a home office and how to turn it around

What we surround ourselves with is a DIRECT reflection of how we feel about ourselves. AND it's an indicator of where we are in our life, how confident we feel and if we value ourselves.
As women, it's CRUCIAL to be surrounded by beauty. It's also a sign of abundance. Your environment 'talks' to you on a daily basis and women are more sensitive to their environments whether they're conscious of it or not. Therefore, it's MANDATORY you program your environment to tell you the truth about who you are instead of allowing it to repeat negative habits or patterns. This way you can attract the RIGHT partner for relationship or DEEPEN the one you're in.
Naturally, your environment fuels or drains you. In order to be truly CONFIDENT and uber COMFORTABLE in your skin (which is the precursor to building a successful relationship), you MUST create a space that radiates good mojo. This week, I'll let you behind the curtain to share techniques that'll quantum leap your growth. You'll learn:
- The KEYS SPOTS in everyone's home that affect your love life
- The TRIGGER POINTS in your home that can fuel or drain your energy
- The fastest ways to set yourself up for a relationship that flourishes over time
- Why you MUST claim your home to live in the present and not settle for 'hand-me-down' energy from previous owners/tenants
- Which SURPRISING color keeps you in a vicious cycle of love 'em and leave 'em suitors
- What ONE SIMPLE ITEM gives you supercharged energy leaving you feeling strong and mojolicious.
- Why you need to think twice before decorating with certain images/art/paintings if you're truly ready to bring love into your life
- How your ceilings could be squelching your libido or worse, your daily get-up-and-go va-va-voom.
- And MORE!

Talk to any quantum physicist these days and you'll know - everything IS energy. It can neither be created, nor destroyed. It simply changes form. In the west, we are fixated on what we can see on the surface. Sadly, this is merely a small portion of what's actually occurring. When you acknowledge the unseen aspects of your life and bring consciousness to them, THAT's when you really get cooking.
YOU can program your home to vibrate at a high frequency. And you need to know how to do so various ways to create a variety of results. This class blows the lid off seldom talked about techniques to shift the energy in your home. You'll learn:
- the MAJOR advantage to incorporating blessings and how it keeps your pipeline full
- the #1 way to instantly brighten your outlook on life and perk up your energy flow
- My SECRET WEAPON that will clear out any funk you're experiencing and all you need are three household items
- What fresh flowers can do for your bank account and love life and how it's got NOTHING to do with their sheer beauty.
- How speaking up and communication will make your home a far better manifesting partner and the RIGHT way to converse with it.
- What to do when you MOVE IN to your home and what to do when you MOVE OUT
- Why setting aside ONE SMALL DEDICATED AREA turns your home into the sanctuary you've always wanted it to be.
- And BONUS! How to Feng Shui your car.
WARNING: Some of my recommendations may cause spontaneous outbursts of joy, increased success and vitality. You will be shocked to see how this information will completely turn your life around IF you use it. You'll see WHY these techniques are my personal empowerment secrets and how they're VITAL to my success as a woman.
You don't have to believe in any dogma, change your spiritual practice, alter your decor, move all your furniture or even paint. I'll show you how to get potent results with these tips and tools. I guarantee this series will be EXTREMELY enlightening, and you'll gain many "a-ha"s during our time together.
I don't recognize myself! I'm doing things I haven't done for over a year - cooking every day, waking up earlier, walking a couple of times a week. And my sex drive is back! What a change! Plus, I'm feeling even more feminine and confident. What can I say? Thank you! ~ Sofia Ianovskaia, Arbonne International
When you invest in this program for yourself, you'll receive:
5 classes led by me, Deborah Kagan, guiding you through the complete ROCK YOUR MOJO: HOME EDITION course curriculum.
BONUS Q&A Recording learning from the most common questions women have about this material
HANDOUTS and WORKSHEETS for every class to help you organize your notes, retain the information and provide easy to follow steps for each call.
DIGITAL COVER ARTWORK so you can create your own ROCK YOUR MOJO: HOME EDITION binder to keep your course information neatly organized (and beautiful!).
PLUS these bonuses:
DEBORAH's SUPPLY LIST An invaluable resource for you to know exactly where to get the RIGHT tools that are highly effective, saving you time, money and reducing stress. PLUS, a discount code for some of them ($97 value)
THE COMPLETE MP3s from the SENSUALLY EMPOWERED WOMAN INTERVIEW SERIES I hosted. In these 10 interviews, you'll learn all the goods to having a sensual, successful life. Because once you're rockin' your home mojo, you know you're going to be ready for some good inner mojo. ($147 value)
DEBORAH's RECOMMENDED READING LIST Another invaluable resource. There are 100's of Feng Shui books on the market these days. And most are confusing or lack any valuable content. I've been researching and scouring Feng Shui books for almost 2 decades. This list compiles the best ones that give you the most bang for the buck. ($27 value)
DEBORAH's SECRET WEAPON REPORT This report details my secret weapon to help you keep the mojo flowing in your home consistently. Plus, I share multiple ways you can use this ritual and why and when you must use it. ($47 value)
You can see I'm committed to your growth and success as a Mojoliciosly Empowered Woman. I'm doing everything I can to set you up for immediate results. INCLUDING keeping the investment for the course super LOW to make it EASY for you to participate AND giving you bonuses that value the price of the course itself.
Yes, Deborah! I'm ready to ROCK MY HOME so I can create a sanctuary that supports my health, wealth and love life.
I understand when I invest in myself, I'll receive the following:
5 classes led by me, Deborah Kagan, guiding you through the complete Rock Your Mojo: Home Edition course curriculum.
BONUS Q&A Recording learning from the most common questions women have about this material.
HANDOUTS and WORKSHEETS for every class to help you organize your notes, retain the information and provide easy to follow steps for each call.
DIGITAL COVER ARTWORK so you can create your own ROCK YOUR MOJO: HOME EDITION binder to keep your course information neatly organized (and beautiful!).
PLUS these bonuses:
DEBORAH's SUPPLY LIST An invaluable resource for you to know exactly where to get the RIGHT tools that are highly effective, saving you time, money and reducing stress. PLUS, a discount code for some of them ($97 value)
THE COMPLETE MP3s from the SENSUALLY EMPOWERED WOMAN INTERVIEW SERIES I hosted. In these 10 interviews, you'll learn all the goods to having a sensual, successful life. Because once you're rockin' your home mojo, you know you're going to be ready for some good inner mojo. ($147 value)
DEBORAH's RECOMMENDED READING LIST Another invaluable resource. There are 100's of Feng Shui books on the market these days. And most are confusing or lack any valuable content. I've been researching and scouring Feng Shui books for almost 2 decades. This list compiles the best ones that give you the most bang for the buck. ($27 value)
DEBORAH's SECRET WEAPON REPORT This report details my secret weapon to help you keep the mojo flowing in your home consistently. Plus, I share multiple ways you can use this ritual and why and when you must use it. ($47 value)
You can see I'm committed to your growth and success as a Mojoliciosly Empowered Woman. I'm doing everything I can to set you up for immediate results. INCLUDING keeping the investment for the course super LOW to make it EASY for you to participate AND giving you bonuses that value the price of the course itself.
I understand that I am receiving a home study version of this course and I will have access to the MP3 downloads.
I understand that due to the immediate access to all materials and digital nature of this course, there are no refunds or exchanges.
I'm assured that my transaction is 100% secure and after my information is processed, I'll receive an electronic receipt and instructions within a few moments.
Receive the full ROCK YOUR MOJO: HOME EDITION Home Study Course
(digital version) + all bonuses
3 Payments of $179 (21 days apart)
Receive the full ROCK YOUR MOJO: HOME EDITION 5 week program
+ all the bonuses (digital download)
AND a BASIC Feng Shui consultation with Deborah with Live Coaching Calls
Getting 1:1 support from the expert is where you can get a professional analysis of your floorplan and personalized feedback from the Mojo Recovery Specialist herself. During your consultation you'll have the opportunity to ask Deborah anything! This is where you can rest assured you are making the changes and implementing your cures correctly to receive the most direct route to achieve your goals. AND this session gives you the accountability to complete the work in the program giving you the most out of your investment. NOTE: you will need to provide a short video of your home, a sketch of your floorplan and 27 red envelopes*
3 Payments of $497 (21 days apart)
I know you might be asking a few things. Here are some of the questions I frequently receive:
"What if I don't have the time?"
I'm going to be blatantly honest with you here. If you think you don't have the time to radically improve the quality of your life by spending 90 minutes a week for only 5 weeks, then you're not serious about wanting to succeed in your life. Period.
"What if I live in another country or I'm in another time zone?"
No problem. I have an international client base and when I ran this course two years ago, women from numerous countries joined us. All the classes are recorded for your convenience, delivered to you digitally and you can ask questions via our support email or our Facebook page where we regularly post tips and all mojolicious info for you - all advantages of this program to make it easy for you.
"I don't know if it's the right time to spend the money on this now."
Again, I'm going to tell it to you straight. You NEED to make this investment as soon as possible in your life because the longer you wait, the more you build an 'immunity' to making positive change. And the more this builds, the more obstacles show up in your life. And the more obstacles that show up, the more frustrated your day to day becomes and so on and so on. Becoming a Mojoliciosly Empowered Woman who understands how to set up a home to support her life is one of the THE MOST important things you can do for yourself.
"I read a lot of books, listen to audios and such, so I'll keep working on it by myself."
Yeah. I've said that to myself one or two times (or maybe three ;) and you know what happens. NOTHING. You might get an idea. You might even feel a pang of inspiration. But information without action is merely mental masturbation. Period. Remember, I hired a pro when I started and THAT got me the results. In order to make any leap in your life, you need a teacher/mentor/coach PLUS a structured container to do the work. So, if you're serious about becoming the woman who magnetizes more money, a fabulous honey and boatloads of energy then this is the program for you.
Do you still have some q's for me about rockin' your house?
Ask me here and we'll makes sure this is the right program for you.
Once you submit your q, I'll make sure to PERSONALLY connect with you to provide answers about the program.
I know you're ready to create a home that supports your goals and feels amazing to be in.
I know you're ready to feel your life expanding.
I know you're ready to uplevel and surround yourself with beauty.
I look forward to helping you step into this new phase of your life. One steeped in feminine power and wisdom. One that's juicy, exciting and magnetic.
Don't let yourself pass up this easy, affordable course that can transform your life with ease, grace and depth.
I'll see you soon.
Mojoliciosly Yours,I say YES! Deborah...I'm ready to ROCK MY MOJO HOME EDITION!
The course is ONLY $497! When you sign up, you'll be given immediate access to all program materials + bonuses. When you look at what knowing the EXACT tools are to consistently create a love and pleasure filled life anytime and anywhere, you'll agree this program is a STEAL!
Many of you have been asking how you can EXPAND your life, drop the shame and be your most magnetic self. I'm THRILLED to offer you this opportunity to step into your most Mojoliciosly Empowered Self and dig into this topic. Let me take you through these 5 transformative weeks and show you how you can live in a sanctuary that authentically represents YOU.
This course is packed with information that'll teach you how to LOVE who you are, how you live your life and what you surround yourself with. These 5 weeks are game changers. I ASSURE you that it's well worth your time.
Receive the full ROCK YOUR MOJO: HOME EDITION Home Study Course
(digital version) + all bonuses
3 Payments of $179 (21 days apart)
Receive the full ROCK YOUR MOJO: HOME EDITION 5 week program
+ all the bonuses (digital download)
AND a BASIC Feng Shui consultation with Deborah with Live Coaching Calls
Getting 1:1 support from the expert is where you can get a professional analysis of your floorplan and personalized feedback from the Mojo Recovery Specialist herself. During your consultation you'll have the opportunity to ask Deborah anything! This is where you can rest assured you are making the changes and implementing your cures correctly to receive the most direct route to achieve your goals. AND this session gives you the accountability to complete the work in the program giving you the most out of your investment. NOTE: you will need to provide a short video of your home, a sketch of your floorplan and 27 red envelopes*
3 Payments of $497 (21 days apart)
I'm assured that my transaction is 100% secure and after my information is processed, I'll receive an electronic receipt and instructions within a few moments.
I can't think of anyone who has come into my building for the first time who has NOT commented on the warmth, the peacefulness, the serenity and the general great ambiance of the place. Which is EXACTLY what I'd wanted. Everyone asks if I live here because it feels like a home. Deborah Rachel Kagan is my personal goddess. I wouldn't move into a space without her.
~ Lesly Kahn, owner Lesly Kahn & Co.
I know you won't be surprised when I tell you this, but I'm sure you'll be as thrilled as we are when you hear what happened. The IMF was just gifted ONE MILLION DOLLARS!!!!! So in light of that I'd say the latest "tune up" really worked quite nicely - to put it mildly!!!!!!!!!! We're over the moon and can't thank you enough. We love you!!
~ Susie Novis, President International Myeloma Foundation
* If I choose the Rock Your Mojo: Home Edition program + Basic Feng Shui Consultation option, I will provide Deborah with 27 red envelopes with $1 in each one, PRIOR TO the intensive date, as per Feng Shui consulting tradition. I understand this is a separate cost from the program and it is a necessary part of the process.